Curriculum Vitae
Thoria Mahmoud Abdel Rasoul
Personal Data
Fame Name : Thoria Abdel Rasoul
Birth date : 15/1/1929
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : /5/1994
Activities : Graphic - Print

- The High Institute of female teachers - Fine Arts 1949 .
- Diploma in teaching 1950 .
- Studies in Design and print the book from `Central` School in London 1956
- Studies in `San Martin` School in London 1961 .
- The Applied Arts Diploma in Boudabest 1970 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Fine Arts Lovers Society
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Professor of Design and Art works in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan Univeristy
- Head of Art Works Department in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan Univeristy.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Boudabest .
- The United Kingdom (London) .
Solo shows
- In Cairo 1949
- In Akhenaton Gallery in Qasr al-Nile 1950,1965
- In the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural Co-operation ( Foreign Diplomats) 1974 .
- In Museum of the Fine Arts in Alexandria 1977
- In Western Germany 1974
- In Florence City in Italy 1974
- In Paris 1975
Local exhibitions
- Cairo Salon 1971
- Exhibitions of the Alumni of Art Institute and Faculties Union
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Graphic Association
- The General exhibition of Fine Arts 1989,1990
International exhibitions
- 9th Alexandria Biennale 1972, 11th 1976 .
- Collective exhibition in Boudabest 1970
- In Yougoslavia 1972 .
- The International Exhibition of Graphic Art in Spain 1972
- Athens Biennale 1972
- In Rome 1975
- Exhibition of Graphic Art Belguirad 1978 .
- Scholarship to London 1956:1965
- Granted Scholarship to Boudabest 1969- 1970
Publications and activities
- Book` Enternace to the Art works` - the first issue without date , the second issue from the General Authority of Culture Palaces 1999
- The participation in the Conference of Education by Art `AICA` 1972
- The participation in the Conference of Education by Art `AICA` Yougoslavia 1974
Local recognition
- The Silver Medal in Graphic from Cairo Salon 1971
International recognition
- Prize of Merit from the Egyptian Pavillion in Alexandria Biennale 1970
- Prize of Merit from the International Exhibition of Graphic Art in Spain 1972
- Prize of Rome Mayor for Graphic 1975
- The Silver Medal from Alexandria Biennale 1976
- Honor Prize from the exhibition of Graphic Art 1978
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt, England, America, Canada, Germany, France, Yougoslavia
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art in Cairo
- Museum of the Fine Arts in Alexandria
- Museum of the Fine Arts in Boudabest
- The Egyptian Ministry of High Education