Curriculum Vitae
Walaa Ibrahim Mohamed Qassem
Personal Data
Fame Name : Walaa Qassem
Birth date : 13/3/1978
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Specify Education - Department of Art Education 2000
- MA in Art Education - Drawing and Painting Section - Helwan University 2004
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists
- Member of association of friends of Alexandria Library
- Assistant Instructor in Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Alexandria University
Places of interest
- Kuwait
- Alexandria
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Youth Salon - Alexandria Atelier 2006 -2007
- Exhibition of Mini Works - Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2005
- Exhibition of Mini Works - Musuem of Fine Arts - Zamalek 2002
- Exhibition of Nagy Salon - Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace 2001
- Exhibition `Alexandria in her sons eyes` - Al-Anfoshi Palace 2000
- Exhibition of Al-Wafad Party 2000
- 12th Youth Salon 2000
- Nagy Salon at Al-Anfoshi Culture palace 2001
- Exhibition ` Pioneers of Creation gallery` at Tazawaq palace, Sidi Gaber 2001
- Exhibition ` Workshop 2001` at 95 gallery , Sidi Gaber 2001
- At Sidi Gaber Culture palace 2002
- Exhibition of Mini art works in museum of Fine Arts 2002
- Workshop at Sidi Gaber Culture palace 2004
- Exhibition of Mini works at Mahmoud Saeed museum 2005
- Exhibition of 1st Youth Salon, Alexandria Atelier 2006
- Exhibition of Teaching staff at Al-Anfoshi Culture palace 2006
- Exhibition of Youth Salon in Alexandria Atelier 2007
-2nd Festival of Fine creation(19th Youth Salon 2008)
- Festival of Alexandrian Art creation at the Russian Cultural Center 2008
- Exhibition of Nagy Salon at Al-Anfoshy Culture palace 2008
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition of Al-Wafad party 2000
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition at Al-Anfoshi Culture palace
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt