Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Ameen Assem
Personal Data
Birth date : 23/9/1918
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 1/7/1989
Activities : Sculpture

- Diploma in fine arts, 1944.
- BA in fine arts from Paris, 1960.
- BA in fine arts from Rome.
- Professor and Head of Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo.
- Head of Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus, 1960.
Places of interest
- Cairo – Luxor – Aswan- Paris – Rome – Greece – Damascus.
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of “Art and Battle” in Port Said, Suez, and Mansoura.
- 3rd Spring Salon .
International exhibitions
- Egyptian Artists Exhibition in Paris, 1949 –1951.
- The African Peace Symposium.
- Granted Luxor Studios Scholarship for two years.
- Scholarship to study sculpture in Paris, 1951.
Local recognition
- Top prize for “Egyptians Struggle”, bas-relief tableau 1957.
- Top prize for sculpturing (Port Said City Monument).
- Prize for sculpturing the Monument of 6th October Martyrs in Mansoura City.
- Granted the excellency Sash (First Class), in celebration of the diamond jubilee of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, 1987.
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
- The Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo.
- Nine of sixty-four works of his art among collections of museums in Egypt and Rome.
- Motivated with his great interest on the ideological side of art creation, Assem instructed his student to focus on the conceptual and individual, not technical or stereotyped art creation.
- Beforehand, he was taken with music, then interested in drawing, but his thirst to art knowledge never stopped as he attached to sculpture classes and specified in. Throughout his work time at the Faculty of Fine Arts, he never propagandized his works, so he produced unique works of art. He believed in sculpture, as noble art that must be exhibited on squares, not jailed in contests and exhibitions.
- Assem sculptured outdoor monuments, but in shadow, keeping relation between master and students who carry his aesthetic concepts rather than imitating his forms.

By Dr. Sobhy al-Sharoony