Curriculum Vitae
Manal Helal Ayoub Gergis
Personal Data
Fame Name : Manal Helal
Birth date : 27/4/1975
Place of birth : الجيزة
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA of Applied Arts - Sculpture Section - Department of Interior Design - Helwan University 1998
- MA of Applied Arts - Sculpture, architecture forming and Restoration 2004
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 6089/ 479 Sculpture
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Member of Asala Association
-Assistant Professor in Sculpture, architecture forming and Restoration Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 2004
Solo shows
-Exhibition in Al-Mustaqabal Library - January 2007
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Helwan University 1995-1996-1997-1998
- The National Competition of Fine Arts - The Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1995 - 1996 - 1997 -2000
- Collective exhibition in Kuwait under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport (Sculpture) 1997
- The Art Competition of Helwan University 1995, 1996, 1997
- Competition of the Oriental Weavers Company 1995
- The Art Competition accompanied to workshop in Hurghada under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1995
- The Art Competition accompanied to workshop in Gamasa under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1996, 1997
- 38th Pioneers exhibition 1998, 39th 1999, 40th 2000 ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers)
- Exhibition of Teachers Staff in the Scientific Conference of Faculty of Applied Arts 1999
- The accompanied exhibition of Confernece of Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams University - Sheraton Heliopolis Hotel 2000
- Quintet exhibition ` Lamasat` ( Touches) in the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Febraury 2006
- The 1st exhibition of Woman in Painting and Sculpture - Syndicate of Fine Artists - March 2006
- Exhibition in the Circle Hall in the Syndicate of Fine Artists- May 2006
- Design and execute some functional units in Biet al-Salam Hotel - Al-Agami 2000
- Design and execute Oscar of the Annual Conference of Media House Company 2006
Publications and activities
- Workshop with the German artist Mareliz Boss - Faculty of Applied Arts in co-operation with Geothe Institute - Cairo 1995, 1996
- Workshop under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport - Hurghada 1995 , Gamasa 1996, 1997
- Workshop in 15 May Arts Center in participation of Geothe Institute - Cairo - October 1998
- Workshop in Geothe Institute - Cairo 2000
Local recognition
- 1st Prize `Sculpture` in the Art competition of Helwan University 1995, 1996, 1997
- 2nd prize in the National competition of Fine Arts - The Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 95,96, 97, 2000
- Oscar of Association of Giza Writers and Artists 1998
- Encouragement prize in Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1999
- Badr Al-Dien Abu Ghazy prize - Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2000
- 2nd prize in the Art competition accompanied to the workshop in Hurghada - under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1995
- 3rd prize in the Art competition of the Workshop in Gamasa - under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1996
- Encouragement prize in the Art competition of Workshop in Gamasa - under auspices of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 1997
- 1st prize in the National competition of Fine Arts - The Supreme Council of Youth and Sport 2000
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Sweden , America