Curriculum Vitae
Neveen Hussien al-Refaai
Personal Data
Birth date : 26/11/1975
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic
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BA from Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1998
Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
Assistant professor in painting department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University 2005
Local exhibitions
participated in the collective exhibitions since 1996 till now
- Exhibition of Group of artists in the Greece cultural Center 1999
- Exhibition (al-Intafada) in Mahmoud Saeed Musuem in Alexandria 2001
- Exhibition ( Alexandria in her artists eyes) in Rotery Club 2004
- Exhibition of Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2005
- Exhibition of Mini Works of Wnely Brothers - in Mahmoud Saeed Center in Alexandria 2006
- Exhibition in Ishraqa Gallery 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2
International exhibitions
competition (Imagine ur country after 25 years) in the Egyptian pavilion in Venzia 1996
- 1st International Salon of Youth in Alexandria Atelier 2006
International prizes:
- Painting prize of the 1st International Salon of Youth in Alexandria Atelier 2006
Local recognition
International recognition
-Painting prize of the 1st international Salon of Youth in Alexandria Atelier 2006.
Private collection
At art lovers in Egypt,England, United States of America , Emirates , Saudi Arabia
State collection
Library of the Faculty of Education in Alexandria University
- Faculty of Air Forces
- Palace of Antonadous Garden