Curriculum Vitae
Al Sayed Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sayed al Mahgoub
Birth date : 15/8/1972
Place of birth : Dakahlia .
Activities : Photography
Email :

- Member of Egypt`s Salon of Photography
- Honory membership - Union of Arab Photographers - Germany
- Manager of Digital Department ` Kareem Group` Donia Company of Photography
Solo shows
- Exhibition of Cairo is my Country in the Musician Library - Opera House 2007
- Exhibition `Cairo is my city 2` Information Center - Cairo 2007
Local exhibitions
Participated in Kodak Competition , Sawy Culture Center , 2005.
-` Fikra Tani ` , ` Idea , Once Again ` , Al Hanager Art Center , 2005 .
-` Islamics ` , Sawy Culture Center , 2005 .
-` Dualities ` , Musical Library , Opera House , 2005 .
-` For the Love of Photography ` , four Artists , Indian Culture Center , August , 2006 .
-` Man and Work ` , Sawy Culture Center . 2006 .
-1st Port Said Festival of Photography , Port Said Culture Palace , 2006 .
-` For the Love of Photography - 2` , four artists , Ibn Sina Language Schools , December , 2006 .
-` Islamic Architecture ` , Sawy Culture Center , 2006 .
-` Ramadaniat ` , Musical library , Opera House , 2006 .
-1st Fine Creation Festival, 18th Youth Salon 2007.
- Exhibition in the Grand Theatre - Opera
-6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
International exhibitions
` Glimpses from the Islamic World ` , Korea , 2006 .
-Photography Festival , Arab Egyptian Union , Germany , 2006 .
- Photography exhibition - Arab Photographers Union ` Jordan 2007`
- -Exibition of 1st International Photography Competition Organizeed by the faculty of ine Arts -Halic University - Istanbul
International recognition
Golden Medal for Architectural Photography , Arab Egyptian Union Competition , Germany .
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Cairo Governorate
- The Egyptian Opera House