Curriculum Vitae
Abdel Hai Mohamed Talaat Abdel Hai
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abdel Hai Talaat
Birth date : 10/3/1971
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting
Email :,

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Zamalek 1994 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists(Painting) .
- Member of Teachers Syndicate .
- Art Education teacher .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Al-Gharbia (Al-Santa) .
- Kuwait .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Artist Gazibia Sary - Faculty of Art Education 1993
- Exhibition of Youth and Sport - Ras al-Bar 1993
- The National Competition of Fine Arts 1993,1996
- Ambulant exhibition , the National Competition of Fine Arts ( Al-Gharbia , Al-Bahaira, Damitta ) 1999 .
International exhibitions
- 9th Exhibition of teachers talents ( Kuwaitian Teachers Association) April 2001- Kuwait .
- 10th liberation exhibition ( 30th General exhibition) the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts , March 2001-Kuwait .
- 10th Exhibition of teachers talents ( Kuwaitian Teachers Association) May 2002-Kuwait .
- 11th liberation exhibition (31st General exhibition) the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts, March 2002, Kuwait
- Exhibition of the Kuwaitian petroleum industries in the students eyes 2003- Kuwait
- 13th Liberatin exhibition (33rd General exhibition) the Kuwaitian Association of Fine Arts, April 2004- Kuwait .
- 13th Exhibition of Teachers talents ( the Kuwaitian teachers Association) May 2005- Kuwait .
Local recognition
- Encouragment prize in exhibition of the National Competition of Fine Arts 1993 .