Curriculum Vitae
Madiha Mohamed Kamel Sabry
Personal Data
Fame Name : Madiha Kamel
Birth date : 31/7/1949
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor Department - Helwan University 1975
- Founder member in the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Decor 1034/420
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography
- General Manager since 2005
- Head of Ambulant exhibitions Department in the exhibitions management in the Fine Arts Sector 2006
Places of interest
- Giza ( Dokki)
- Cairo ( Al-Saida Zeinab)
Solo shows
-58 th Annual exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography in the Russian Cultural Center in Dokki , Novemeber 2004
-The International Exhibition of Photography equipments in the Conferences Hall, March 2005
-59th Annual Exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography in the Musician Hall , April 2005
- Exhibition of the Association in Suzan Mubarak Library in Agouza, May 2005
- Exhibition of the Association in Maadi General Library , July 2005
- Exhibition in the International Egyptian Cultural Center in Zamalek , November 2005
- Exhibition in Giza Yacht Club ( in cooperation with the Cultural Associations) March 2006
-Exhibition in Fayum Culture Palace in cooperation with the Cultural Associations , May 2006
- Exhibition in the Russian Cultural Center , July 2006
- Exhibition in Ismalia , Suez and Port Said Culture Palaces in cooperation with the Cultural Associations , July 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ( Colors and Shadows) The Egyptian Association of Photography on ( Kalema) Hall in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , September 2006
-Photography exhibition ( Flowers and Planets) in the Main exhibitions Hall in the Russian Center of Science and Culture, April 2007
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- Exhibition `Photographic creations` , The Egyptian Association of Photography , July 2007
- Exhibition `Features of Old Cairo` , The Egyptian Association of Photography in Cairo Atelier , September 2007
- In the Russian Cultural Center , December 2007
- Exhibition ` Birds and Animals World` in the Russian Center of Science and Culture, December 2007
- Teach method of ( play and puppets) in Bahrain State 1984-1985
- She worked as teacher of ( Museums and exhibitions ) in the Faculty of Specify Education in Mansoura 1997-1998
- The prepartion and execution the Solo exhibitions of the Fine Artists by exhibitions managment in Fine Arts Sector
Local recognition
- Certificates of Merit of participation in all exhibitions which held by ( The Egyptian Association of Photography ) since 2004 till now
- Certificate of Merit from the Egyptian Association of Photography in Ocassion of the Annula exhibition ( My country is a Sweet image) , May 2006
- Certificate of Merit from exhibiton `Features of Old Cairo` - The Egyptian Associaton of Photography , Cairo Atelier , September 2007
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition ` Birds and Animals World` in the Russian Center of Science and Culture , December 2007
- Certificate of Merit from Photography exhibition ` Meeting 3` , Light vision , Camera Club, Alexandria Atelier , January 2008
Private collection
- At art lovers inside and abroad