Curriculum Vitae
Madiha Rashad Al-Dien Hosni
Personal Data
Fame Name : Madiha Rashad Hosni
Birth date : 12/12/1945
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Department - Helwan University 1969
- Free Studies of Fine Art from Flasher Institute of Art in Bienslaviena - The United States of America 1991,1992 (Oil Painting, Graphic, Sculpture , vivisection)
- High Studies Diploma in the Islamic Monuments - Faculty of Archyology - Cairo University 1994
-MA in Archyology from Faculty of Islamic Monuments - Cairo University 2004
- Currently she prepare Ph.D in Islamic Painting
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Graphic 794/100
-Member of Cairo Atelier
- Member of Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Culture Wheel (7232)
- Member of the Egyptian Geographic Society (131)
- Member of the French Institute of Archyology (210)
- Member of the Egyptian Historic Society (320)
- Specialist in the Ministry of Youth from 1970 -1978
- Head of Fine Arts Department in Directorate of Youth and Sport 1979-1981
- Youth Specialist in the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport from 1981 to 1984
- Organizing Fine exhibitions in the Ministry of Youth 1982-1992
- Administration Manager of Youth travels abroad from 1992:1997
Places of interest
- Cairo
- United States of America 1991 - 1992
Solo shows
- Exhibition in Bon in Germany 1984
- Exhibition in Lines in Austria 1985
- Exhibition in Mosocco in Russia 1993
- Exhibition in Bensalvania - United States of America 1992
- Exhibition in ( Tahia Haliem) Gallery in Cairo Atelier , June 2006
- Exhibition in Al-Mustaqabal Library in Heliopolis , November 2006
Local exhibitions
- The Fine Arts exhibition in the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1979
- Exhibition of the Specific Faculties in the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1980
- Youth exhibition of Fine Arts in the Period from 15:25 May 1980 in the Exhibitions land in Geizira
- Prepare the Fine competitions of Youth Centers from 1970-1981
- The 1st Solo exhibition ( Exhibition of the artists who staged their first Solo exhibition in the period from 1st of July 2004 to 30 June 2006) in Gezira Arts Center 2006
International exhibitions
- Exhibition in Flasher Institute of Art in Benslaviena State - Fladifia for the Students in the Institute number 94 of year 1992- United States of America
- Scholraship to Social work with Full bright American Authority for 14 months from 1991:1992
- Free Fine Arts in Flysher Institute of Art ( Painting - Graphic ) 1991-1992
- Design Art works in the period from 1970 :1990 in the Ministry of Youth of the Different Competitions like: Medals - Awards - Cups - Poster - Book cover -etc
- Prepare the Fine competition related to the Ministry of Youth 1970-1990
- Prepare the Fine exhibitions in the Ministry of Youth 1970-1990
- Prepare Fine memoirs of Youth in the Youth Centers about Arts
- The Supervision on prepare symposium and Culture courses to the leaders of the Youth work durion the period from 1998 -2005 who works in the filed of Youth care through my work as a General Manager and under secretary of state
- representing Ministry of Youth abroad ` America - Russia - Austria - Germany - Canada- Sudan - Tunisia - Moroco- Syria` through Youth exchange between the Ministry and the Different countries as a supervisor of the Youth delegations for 14 times
- Committee which participated in it:
- Member of Jury Committee of the Fine exhibitions of Centers of Cairo Divison from 1971 -1981
- Head of Preparation Committee of the Fine exhibition of the Youth Divison from 1981:1989
- Member of the High Committee to choose Youth who will travel abroad from 1992:1997
- Member of Following Committee of Arts Center in the Universities and Youth Divisons during the period from 1981:1990
Publications and activities
- The participation in the Culture Symposium which held in celebration of the forty year on establishing Authority of United Nations
- The participation in prepare boklet about the Candian Egyptian project contains database about the project and the participations names
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit in the Fine competition of Cairo Youth Divison and won the 1st position 1976
- Encouragment prize from Fine Arts exhibition 1979
- 2 Certificates of Merit for participation in May Competition of Fine Arts 1980
- Certificate of Merit for participation in execute the Fine exhibitions from 1970-1989
- Certificate of Merit because she got the High studies Diploma in the Islamic Monuments from the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1995
Private collection
- At indviduals in Austria , Germany , America , Russia