Curriculum Vitae
Noha Abdel Hafiez Abu Leila
Personal Data
Fame Name : Noha Abdel Hafiez
Birth date : 1/11/1960
Place of birth : Monofia
Activities : Drawing
Email : nohaaboulila@yahoo,com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts 1983
- General Diploma in Education 1987
- Private Diploma in psychology health 1989
- Diploam in Monument restoration 1994
- MA in Monuments Education 2004
- Prepare Ph.D in Monuments restoration 2008
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the Arab archeologicals Association
- Member of Saket Al-Sawy
- Designer of book covers in Dar Al-Salam for publishing 1985-1989
- She worked in press of Al-Monofia University
- Manager of Art production Department 1989-1993
- she works in the Supreme Council of Monuments as a painter and repairer from 1994 till now
Places of interest
- Al-Monofia ( Sabk Al-Dahak - Al-Bagour Center)
- Cairo , Luxor , Aswan ,Sohag and Navy Oasies
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Shebeen Al-Koum Culture Palace 1991
- Solo exhibition in Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Culture Wheel in Zamalek 2004,2005
Local exhibitions
- The participation in Suzan Mubarak Competition of Children`s books 1993,1994
- Collective exhibition in Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Culture Wheel in Zamalek 2004
- Exhibition of Egyptian Story in the Musician Library Hall in Opera 2005
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child in the Palace of Arts in Zamalek 2005
- The inadmissibles exhibition in Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Culture Wheel 2005
- 1st Spring Salon in Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy Culture Wheel 2006
Publications and activities
- Stories for children:
- Journies of Am Baraka
- Draw and Color and know your countries monuments
- Tut journies
- Journey through gates of the Old time
Local recognition
- Prize of Merit from Association of Fine Arts Lovers in 25th Pioneers exhibition 1985
- Encouragment prize in drawings of Children books ( Suzan Mubarak prize) 1993
- The 3rd prize in drawings of Children books (Suzan Mubarak prize) 1994
- Certificate of Merit for participation in Creation exhibition of Children 2005