Curriculum Vitae
Saeed Ibrahim Al-Anany
Personal Data
Fame Name : Saeed Al-Anany
Birth date : 1/3/1948
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Drawing

- He passed skills exam in the Faculty of Fine Arts
- Fine Arts Supervisor in Al-Badrashien Culture Palace
- Papyrus painter in the Arts office of papyrus in Haram - Giza
- Spontaneous Artist in the Adminstration of Global, International and National exhibitions in Fine Arts Sector in Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum next State Council
- Manager in the Health Administration in Al-Badrashien since 1975 till now
Places of interest
- Miet Rahina - Al-Badrashien (Giza)
Solo shows
- Two exhibitions in the Fine Arts Hall in Al-Badrashien Culture Palace 1992,1993
- Exhibition in Ingy Aflaton in Cairo Atelier 2002
- Exhibition in Biekar Gallery in the Syndicate of Journalists , April 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ( Egypt`s celebrations by October feastes) in the Fine Arts Gallery in the Moral Affairs Adminstration of the Military army 2000
- Exhibition in the Fine Arts Hall in Fayum Culture Palace 2004
- Member of Jury Committee of Art works which submitted to Al-Badrashien Culture Palace
- The supervison on the Fine Arts in Al-Badrashien Culture Palace
Publications and activities
- Published for him drawings in Sabah Al-Khier Magazine , Al-Gomhoria newspaper 1982, Al-Masa newspaper 1983, Al-Nouhod newspaper 2003
- Published for him drawings in book of the General Authority of Culture Palaces 2004
- Published for him drawings in Giza newspaper 2005
- Published for him many researches:
- Research (scrutiny in the nature)
- Research ( Art vision in Arts)
- Research ( The Modern and Pharonic Art - comparative study
Local recognition
- Prize from Youtha nd Sport 1983,1988 from Youth and Sport Divison
- Prize from birth control competition 1998 - Giza Culture Divison
- Prize from Competition ( The Talent Day) 1998 - Giza Culture Divison
Private collection
- At some individuals
State collection
- Fayum Culture Palace
- Al-Badrashien Culture Palace
- The Moral Affairs in the Military Army