Curriculum Vitae
Shereen Khairy Ahmed Mahmoud
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shereen Khairy
Birth date : 26/3/1973
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Ain Shams University 1994
- MA in Painting - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2001
- PhD of philosophy in Art Education - Painting - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2004
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Head of Committee of Exhibitions and charity fairs
- Board member of the Egyptian Council of physicians for peace
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Ain Shams University 1995
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Ain Shams University 2001
- Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Painting - Ain Shams University 2004
Places of interest
- Cairo - Giza
Solo shows
- Exhibition in `Mohamed Nagy` Hall - Cairo Atelier 1998
- Exhibition entitle`from inspiration of Woman ` in `Kalema` Hall - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
- Exhibition entitel ` Windows` in the Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University , May 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition entitle` Art qualities` in `kalema` Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- Exhibition entitle` Creations of Teaching Staff and Students` in `Un` Hall - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2003, 2005
- Exhibition of Cairo House 2004
- Exhibition entitle ` Art for peace` in `Kalema` Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
- Exhibition in the National Center of Researches 2005
- 7th Port Said National Biennale 2005
- Exhibition of Association of Fine messages - Museum of Effat Nagy and Saad Al-Khadim 2005
- Exhibition `Marketing of the University services` - Hosting House - Ain Shams University 2005
- Exhibition of Female artists of the National Association of Fine Arts , Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
- Exhibition of the National Association of Fine Arts - Talaat Harb Library 2005
- Exhibition in the Faculty of Specify Education 2005
- Exhibition of Association of Fine messages - Talaat Harb Library 2006
- Exhibition `Fine rythms` of Artists of the National Association of Fine Arts - The Social Cultural Center , February 2006
-3rd Exhibition of Association of Fine messages entitle` rythms from Nature` in the Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University , May 2006
- Teaching Drawing and painting Courses - Faculty of Specify Education related to Specify Services Center - Ain Shams University
- Design private prizes in the Ceremony of the Egyptian Council of physicians for peace.
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the Center of Specify Services - Ain Shams University
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt - Emirates - Finland
State collection
- Hall of Conferences and Arts - Aswan (17 Painting Work)
- Ministry of Defense
- Ain Shams University
- The Egyptian Council of physicians for peace
- Faculty of Specify Education