Curriculum Vitae
Ammar Abu Bakr Al-Sediek Ammar Ahmed
Personal Data
Birth date : 15/2/1980
Place of birth : Al-Mania
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Al-Mania University
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Luxor University
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Gallery `Fair Trade` in Luxor under name `Sketchs` 2003
- At the gallery of the French Cultural Center - Luxor 2004
Local exhibitions
- Participated in exhibitions in the Faculty and Culture Palaces from 1996 to 2000
- Exhibition of Forum of Youth of Arab Universities
- At `Shamouaa` gallery - Cairo entitle` Arts from the South` 2003
- 16th Youth Salon 2004
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
Local recognition
- 1st prize of drawing in exhibition `Arts from South` in Shamouaa` Gallery 2003