Curriculum Vitae
Helmi Abdel- Hamid Al-Touny
Personal Data
Fame Name : Helmi Al-Touny
Birth date : 30/4/1934
Place of birth : Beni Swief
Date of death : 7/9/2024
Activities : Painting

- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, stage setting specification, 1958.
- Studied art decoration and décor.
- Oil painter and designer.
- Art supervisors to magazines at Dar al-Hilal Publish House.
- Fine artist.
- Graphic artist and designer.
- Currently - editor of the (Viewpoints) monthly magazine.
Places of interest
- Cairo.
- Beirut for three years.
Solo shows
- Several individual exhibitions most Arab countries.
- Traveling exhibitions in cultural palaces in the provincial capitals - 1965.
- Solo show in Beirut 1975.
- Solo show in Beirut -1985.
- Solo show in Ekhnaton art gallery in Zamalek - 1985.
- National Center of Fine Arts 1992 - 1994 - 1995.
- Solo show at Ekhnaton (2) art gallery - 1994.
- Private exhibition - 1997.
- Private exhibit titled ` beautiful Faces … beautiful time ` 1998.
- Solo exhibition at Zamalek Arts Center - 2000.
- Solo exhibition - 2002.
- Solo exhibition at Picasso art gallery - Cairo - 2006.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the public exhibitions during his study years.
- the 23rd - 25th National Art Exhibition - (1993 - 1997).
- Joint exhibition at the National Center of Fine Arts 1994.
- Exhibition at the Academy of Arts - Cairo - 1994.
- Egyptian Surrealists Exhibition - 1995.
- Cotton Show - Cairo Salon.
- Design competition stamps and the drawing for children.
- The 27th - 28th National Art Exhibition - 2001 - 2003.
- The7th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 2004.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
- Art Creations Festival for Children - Palace of Arts January 2006.
- Salon of Circle Mini works at Portrait gallery - Down Town 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair)2007.
- At Cairo Atelier 2007 .
- Exhibition (Art and Grant) in Al-Orouba Rotary Club 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation ( 2nd Egypt`s Salon) 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Participated in numerous international exhibitions in Germany, Portugal-Japan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.
Publications and activities
- Designed for Puppet Theatre personality of (what is true succeeded) formed by Salah Jahin.
- Designed book covers and did more than 3,000 book illustrations for press publishing houses.
- Author of the book (what he wants Salem).
- Supervised on the first three editions of Shomoua magazine, 1986.
- Designed many posters of films and plays.
- One of the most prominent artists in the field of book design in the Arab world.
- Illustrator of many books and posters of children, which was published in several languages by United Nations organizations.
Local recognition
- Received several awards for his paintings in the Cotton Exhibition at Cairo Salon.
- 1st Suzan Mubarak prize of Children book .
International recognition
- UNICEF Award for a sticker of the International Year of the Child 1979.
- Award of Beirut International Book Exhibition for three consecutive years since 1977: 1979.
- Medal winning exhibit (Leberg International Art Book), which is held once every six years.
- Award, Exhibition (Bologna Children`s Book) 2002.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in most Arab countries, Europe and America.
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Exhibition in Cairo.