Curriculum Vitae
Eman Mohamed Abdel Fattah Ahmed Abdel Hady
Personal Data
Fame Name : Eman Mohamed
Birth date : 29/12/1981
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Painting

- Industrial Technical Diploma - Decoration Department - Fayum 1998
- Industrial Technical Institute - Drawing and Design Department - Cairo 2000
- Free studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Helwan University 2001
- BA of Development Technology - Quailty control - The Labour University - Nasr City , Cairo 2002
- Specialist of Quality control
Places of interest
- Fayum , Al-Qalioubia , Kafr Al-Sheikh
Local exhibitions
-12th Youth Salon 2000
- Collective exhibition in the Labour University 2001
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003