Curriculum Vitae
Seddiqa Hussein Mohamed
Personal Data
Birth date : 16/9/1923
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting

- The Fine Art Institution for Teachers.
- Mastery in drawing from Saint Fernando Art Academy- Madrid.
- studies for two years from the Fine Art academy- 1963.
- Ceramic Arts in Paris- 1964.
- of the Supreme Council of Youth- 1957.
- Teacher at High Schools.
- Teacher, Associate Professor then Professor at The Faculty of Art Education- Ceramic Painting Department.
Places of interest
- Cairo.
- Madrid- Spain 1954:1956.
- France- 1964.
Solo shows
- at the Foriegn Diplomats Gallery- 1975.
Local exhibitions
- participated in the General Art Exhibitions in sequential years.
- participated in an Exhibition at the International Art Education Center.
- participated in Port Said Exhibition (Port Said Childern).
- Studid for two years at Madrid Univeristy- 1954\ 56.
- Studied at Rome Academy- 1963.
- Studied at the Ceramics High School- Paris.
Publications and activities
- `Of the House Coordination` 1975.
Local recognition
- prize of The Knowledge Day- Ministry of Education.
International recognition
- Frankiln prize for Book covers.