Curriculum Vitae
Tarek Mohsen Gaber Youssef
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tarek Mohsen Gaber
Birth date : 1/8/1979
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Animationa and Book art Section - Helwan University 2002 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 12011/1297 Graphic
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Caricature
- Member of Writers and Artists Association - Cairo Atelier
- Member of the Private Cultural Center ` Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy`
- Member of the American Cultural Center - The American Embassy
- Member of Asala Association of Hertiage and Contemporary Arts
- Designs engineer - 2003
- Graphic designer in the International company of curriculums development - Mohandessen - Children Books 2004 .
- Animation designer , Pree painter .
- Interior and external designer .
- Co-ordinator and organizer of Fine Art exhibitions of private collective works .
- Head of Free forming Association of Fine Arts ` Private Association` .
- Graphic designer in Advertising company 2004 .
- Fashion designer at `Hani Al-Bahari` - Al-Manial 2004 .
- Graphic designer and Caricaturest in Web site romanian company - Al-Montaqa magazine 2004 - 2005 .
- Free fine Artist .
Places of interest
- Cairo , Giza
- Sohag
- Luxor
Local exhibitions
- In the Gallery of Fine Arts of Students - Zamalek , April 2000 .
- Exhibition of Fine Arts competition - Gallery of Semirmais Intercontintel Hotel , May 2000 .
- Exhibition of the University of Fine Arts - Helwan University, April 2001 .
- Students exhibition of Fine Arts - Cairo University - Cairo Atelier , February 2002 .
- Exhibition of the University of Fine Arts - Helwan University , April 2002 .
- Students exhibition - Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University ,A pril 2002 .
- Exhibition of Students of Fine Arts Faculty entitle ` Creation` , Alexandria , April 2002
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Caricature - the Private Cultural Center - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003 .
- Exhibition of Free forming Association entitle` Egyptian retouch` Al-Gomharia Theatre 2004 .
- Exhibition of Free forming Association entitel `Shakhabiet` River Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , April 2005 .
- Exhibition of Free forming Association - Al-Gomharia Theatre , March 2006 .
- Exhibition `Mino print` - Computer Graphic - Al-Gomharia Theatre , January 2007 .
- Exhibition of Free forming Association entitle ` Green × Green` - Beit Al-Umaa Museum - Saad Zaghloul Center 2007 .
- Exhibition (Green xGreen) at Fine arts gallery in Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center , Biet Al-Umaa Museum , June 2007 .
- Scholarlship from the General Authority of Culture Palaces to Luxor studios - February 2004 .
- Freelance period starting from to prepare for High studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo January 2004 - 2005 .
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from South Valley University 1999 .
- Certificate of Merit from Helwan University for got the first and encouragement prizes in the annual exhibitions and competitions of Fine Arts in Helwan University ,Ministry of Youth 2001, 2002 .
Private collection
- At individuals in Cairo ,France , Belgium .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo