Curriculum Vitae
Ali Mustafa Bakier
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ali Bakier
Birth date : 15/11/1949
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA of Fine Arts - Alexandria - Department of Printed Designs 1974
- MA in printed designs 1983
- Ph.D in Philosphy of Fine Arts 1989 Printed designs
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 696/70
- Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria - Graphic Department
Places of interest
- Cairo and Alexandria
Solo shows
- In Al-Horreya Culture Palace - Alexandria 1979
- Soloe exhibition 1983
- Solo exhibition in February 1997 , November 1997
Local exhibitions
- He participated in many Collective Local exhibitions like sessions of the General National Exhibition
- Exhibition of Alexandria`s artists
- Spring exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- 15 May exhibition of Fine Arts
- All exhibitions of the Annual Salon of Writers and Artists Society `atelier`
- The Fine Arts Exhibition in Al-Haram Academy
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art 1978 -1980
- 3rd National Exhibition of Graphic 2005
International exhibitions
- He participated in some Foreign exhibition like exhibition of integration between Egypt and Sudan 1977
- 12th Alexandria Biennale 1978
- Exhibtion of Co-operation between Egypt and France 1979
- Exhibition of engraving in Rome - Italy 1991
- Exhibition of the Modern Egyptian engraving 1994
- Exhibition of 25 years of Art ( Nile and Ryan) 1995
- 2nd Egypt International Triennale of Graphic 1996
- Norway exhibition of Mini prints ( Norway Triennale) 1996
- India International Triennale of Fine Arts 1997
- 19th Alexandria Biennale 1997
- 3rd Egypt International Triennale of Graphic 2000
- 4th Egypt International Triennale of Graphoc 2003
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit in Art and Culture Feast 1979
- 2nd prize from the Supreme Council of Youth 1978
- Certificate of Merit from Republic president in Culture and Art Feast 1979
- Encouragnment prize from the National Center of Arts 1981
- 1st prize from the Supreme Council of Youth 1981
- Certificate of Merit from Alexandria governorate 1985
International recognition
- 1st prize from exhibition of integration between Egypt and Sudan 1977
- 2nd prize from exhibition of Co-operation between Egypt and France 1979
Private collection
- He has acquistions in Egypt and abroad