Curriculum Vitae
Emad Eddin Ali Hassan Al-Maghraby
Personal Data
Fame Name : Emad Eddin Al-Maghraby
Birth date : 20/1/1950
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA in art eduaction- Faculty of Art Education- Helwan University - 1973.
- Postgraduate Diploma (Islamic Monuments) Faculty of Archaeology - Cairo University- 1975.
- MA in Art Eduaction (Ceramics) - 1981.
- PhD in Art Education- Ceramics - 1989.
- Member of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- Member of the International Art Education Society - New York - USA.
- Member Al-Ahlia Art Society.
- Member of the Education Alumni.
- Ceramics Teacher - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University.
- Was delegated to teach at Faculties of Specific Education- Dokki and Port Said.
Places of interest
- Cairo.
Local exhibitions
- The Fine Art Exhibition- Anfoushy Culture Palace - 1971.
- the Annual Fine Art Exhibition (Art Education Alumni) 1973 : 1990.
- The Fine Art Competition between Specific Faculties - 1977.
- 15 May Fine Art Exhibition - 1977- 1978.
- The One Piece Exhibition- General Administration for Art and Literature- Cairo- 1978.
- The Teaching Staff Exhibition- Faculty of Art Education - 1982.
- Mukhtar Sculpture Competition- Cairo- 1984.
- 20th Spring Exhbition- Art Center- Fine Art Alumni Society- 1985.
- 1st and 2nd Alexandria Salon- 1985- 1986.
- Contemporary Egyptian Sculpture- Nile Gallery- Gezira - 1987.
- 10th Ahila Salon - 1991.
- Modern Egyptian Sculpture- Nile Gallery - 1991.
International exhibitions
- The Fine Art Exhibition- Arab Youth Festival- Baghdad - 1977.
- Contemporary Egyptian Fine Art Exhibition- Berlin- Germany - 1987.
- International Fine Art Exhibition - Italy - 1988.
- The Fine Art Exhbition- following the Egyptian Businessmen and Investor- Holand- 1986.
- A 4 years scholarship from Helwan University for the PhD.
- Was officially assigned from the Faculty of Art Education- on the Beautifcation Committee - Headed by Dr\ Farghaly Abdel Hafiz.
- Was assigned to examin for founding a ceramics Lab at the Faculty.
- Was assigned to hold an exhibition parallel to ANASIA Conferernce (International Art Education Society) - The Arab League - 1 : 5 January1989.
Publications and activities
- `The Modern Ceramic Product between design and nature technique`research- Faculty of Art Education- Helwan University- december -1990.
- `Problems of Contemporary Ceramic between Teachers and Students`- research published at the Teaching Strategies- Menia University - 28 :30 October 1990.
- `Modern Ceramic Product between design and technique - Small Industries Conference (Scientific Conference) for a product designed and made in Egypt- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University - Decermber - 1990.
Local recognition
- Order of Merit- General Fine Art Exhibition - 1984.
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Morocco, France and America.
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- International Conference Center- Naser City .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- Museum of Gezera - Cairo .