Curriculum Vitae
Shafik Rezq Soliman
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shafik Rezq
Birth date : 23/10/1905
Place of birth : Gharbia
Date of death : //1989
Activities : Painting

- BA in science from the High School of teachers- 1928.
- Master Degree of Art Teachers and the Royal Drawing Society- Britain- 1932.
- founding member of the art propaganda society- with his colleagues- since 1930 till the late 1940.
- member of the Fine Artists Syndicate- painting.
- Drawing teacher and Science teacher at High schools.
- Art Education supervisor in Alexandria since 1940:1944.
- Teacher at the Education Institute (currently Faculty of Art Education Helwan University).
- Dean of the Faculty till he retired in 1965.
Solo shows
- two exhibitions for his works in Cairo- 1982- 1983.
Local exhibitions
- participated in the Salon Exhibitions with water color drawing till 1948.
- participated in the general and group exhibitions in Egypt `water color`.
- participated in the Fine Art Lovers Society (Cairo Salon)
International exhibitions
- The Water Color Drawing Exhibition- London 1939.
- participated in the Egyptian Art Exhibition- Dudapest- 1963.
Publications and activities
- participatred in editing the Simplified Encyclopedia- 1962.
Local recognition
- was awarded the State Order for Science and Art.
Private collection
- more than 300 works at art lovers in Egypt, Europe and America.
State collection
- many collections at the Egyptian Museums.