Curriculum Vitae
Aziza Abdel Latief Gaieth
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aziza Gaieth
Birth date : 13/5/1942
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Commercial studies 1960 .
- Studies in the Free Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Zamalek 1969 .
- Study in Bou University - France - Grant from the General Authority of Petroleum and Alf Actiyan French company 1980 .
- Member of Asala Assocition of Fine Arts .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury Agency of Fine Arts .
- Member of Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy .
- Member of Mercantiles Syndicate .
- Accountant in UNESCO related to United Nations 1960:1961 .
- Accountant in Egypt Air company 1961-1962 .
- Accountant in the General Egyptian Authority of Petroleum 1962 -1980 .
- Revision manager in the General Egyptian Authority of Petroleum 1980 -1984 .
- Manager of Supervison Administration on the Foreign companies in the General Egyptian Authority of Petroleum from 1984 -1985 .
- Fine Artist and Poet since 1985 till now .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Solo shows
- In the Egypt Potrelum Sector - Alexandria 1974
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Egypt`s ladies of the National Association 1963
- Two exhibitions at Asala Association 1999,2001
- At Shomoua gallery - Maadi 2001
- At Palace of Arts , The Eyptian Opera House 2002
- 1st Exhibition of Spontaneous Art 2002
- At Asala Assocition 2004
- Exhibition ` Egyptian Story` - gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House 2005
- At Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - Zamalek 2005
- At gallery of the Musician Library - The Egyptian Opera House from 16-26 October 2006
Publications and activities
- Published many poetics poems in many Egyptian magazines and newspapers .
Local recognition
- Silver medal from the National Association of Fine Arts 1963
- Certificate of Merit from Asala Assoction in its Annual Party 2000
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from Bou University - France 1980
State collection
- Library of the General Egyptian Authority of Potroleum