Curriculum Vitae
El-Desouki Fahmi Abdel Rahman
Personal Data
Fame Name : El-Desouki Fahmi
Birth date : 20/2/1938
Place of birth : Monofeya
Date of death : 16/8/2024
Activities : Painting

- Graduated in painting department of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo - 1963.
- Diploma in Egyptian Archeology - from the Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University - 1973.
- Founding member of the Fine Artists Association.
- Member of the Writers Union.
- General Supervisor of archeology architects - at the Egyptian Monuments Authority (formerly).
- Freelance artist since 1993.
Places of interest
- Monofeya .
- Cairo.
Solo shows
- Infants in old Egypt” - at Mohammed Ali Palace in Manial - 1980.
- “Four Façades to the Pyramid” - at Khan al-Maghraby art gallery - 2000.
- “Sphinx Talked Like This” at Picasso art gallery - 2004.
- Exhibition entitle ` Scenes...two visions` at Khan Al-Maghraby gallery - Zamalek 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Art Lovers Society - Cairo - 1970.
- The 9th National Art Exhibition - 1977.
- The 25th National Art Exhibition - 1997.
- The 26th National Art Exhibition - 1999.
- The 4th - 5th - 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 2000 - 2002 - 2003.
- The 27th National Art Exhibition - 2001.
- Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the pioneer artist Ahmed Sabry - at Gogan art gallery - Cairo - 2006.
- 1st Fine Creation Festival - General Exhibiton and the 1st Fine Art Fair- 2007.
- `the Frame`- Khan Al-Maghrabi Gallery- Zamalek- 2007.
- Illustrations at magazines of: Radio and T.V - Sabah al-Khier - al-Masaa - al-Kateb - al-Hellal - al-Hellal Novels - in addition to book cover of “Fine Arts Wittings”.
Monuments and excavations architects at many monuments areas since 1964 till now.
Publications and activities
- He issued many short stories at al-Masaa newspaper - al-Hellal magazine -al-Kateb- Sabah al-Khier - Gallery 68 - Sanabel and others - since 1959.
- He set many press illustrations in the 1960 -1970s era - published in Radio magazine - al-Masaa newspaper - al-Hellal magazine - and al-Kateb magazine.
- Translated “L’Ucoon” - book of the German writer- Goatherd Eafrum Lissing 1729-1781 - that was an important study concerning the limits of poetry and painting - full chapters published at al-Masaa newspaper - since October 23 - 1976.
-“Demonstrations of Eugenie Della Krowa style” - translated research of the psychologist Daniel Shnedder - published in ten episodes at al-Masaa newspaper - from August 26 - 1975 to November 25 - 1975.
- “Writing Concepts” - translation about the playwright Henry Miller - published in five episodes at al-Masaa newspaper - from June 23 - to 27 - 1978.
- Translated research about Picasso art works by the psychologist Carl Gestapo Yong - published at Cairo magazine - 1980.
- Long study concerning the novel of “Ulysses” - by the Irish playwright - James Joyce - published at Cairo magazine - 1980.
- His novels and translated artworks had been broadcast at the Second Program Radio Channel - from 1979 to 1992.
- Joint the French archeologist Jan Fillip Louise in laying settings of “Hebbsed” “the 30th Anniversary of King Zusser coronation - Third Dynasty - Old State - at the - pyramid group in Saqara - staged in a memorial exhibition of Jan Fillip Louise architecture achievements - 1980.
- Among his translations “ America” - by Frants Kafca - published in episodes at al-Masaa newspaper - from February to May 1970. Then published in al-Hellal Novels in August 1970.
-“The Gross Warm” - by Kafca - Translation Horizons - 1997.
- “Messages to Millenna” - by Kafca -Translation Horizons - 1998. (Formerly - published with illustrations at al-Masaa newspaper in 1968 - 1978).
- He also published many translated poems and novels at al-Masaa newspaper and the Second Program Radio Channel.
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.