Curriculum Vitae
Ragheb Ayad
Personal Data
Birth date : 10/2/1892
Date of death : 16/12/1982
Activities : Painting

- Joined School of Fine Arts 1908, graduated 1911
- Three diploma in Oil Painting , Decoration , and drama decor from Italy
- Teaching drawing in Grand Coptic School 1911
- Head of Decoration department in Applied Arts School 1930
- Professor in High School of Fine Arts 1937, then head of Free studies departmebt 1942 till 1950
- Dirtector of Museum of the Moder Art 1950 till 1995 , Cairo
- Representer of the Egyptian museums in the International Council of Museums in Paris 1953
Places of interest
- Cairo -Italy - France
Solo shows
-Around 4o Solo exhibition
Local exhibitions
- All exhibitions of Cairo Salon that organizedby association of Fine Arts Lovers since 1924
- Many General exhibition inside Egypt and abroad
-1st Drawing Salon ( Black - White) at Geizira Arts Center , May 2004
-At Bicaso gallery , Zamalek 2007
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Arab artists in Italy at Horizon one gallery , Museum of Mr. and Mrs.Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil 2008
- Exchange mission with his colleague Youssef Kamel to Rome 1923
- 2nd Scholarship for 5 years , got 3 diploma
Local recognition
- State Prize of Merit of Arts and Medal of Arts and Science from the 1st Class 1964
International recognition
- Medal from ` Knight` degree , Italy 1936
Private collection
- At Art lovers and organizations
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
-The Agriculture museum
Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria