Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Mukhtar
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Mukhtar
Birth date : 10/5/1891
Place of birth : Al-Gharabia
Date of death : 27/3/1934
Activities : Sculpture

- Joined Fine Arts School in 1908
- Traveled to Paris in 1911 and puliage on Mr/ Coutan then the French sculptor ` Antain Marsiah`
- Director of ` Gruffan` Museum , Wax Museum
Places of interest
- Al-Mahla Al-Kobra - Mansoura - Cairo - Paris
Solo shows
- Paris 1930
- At ` Al-Bab` gallery in the Modern Egyptian Art Museum 2008
Local exhibitions
-1st Sculpture Salon of the noble materials at Arts Palace 2005 (Honors)
International exhibitions
- Participated in exhibition of the French artists 1920 and displayed Nahdiet Misr Statue
- Participated in the art movement, and established ` Fancy association` and participated in establishment of the High School of Fine Arts
- Held statues of Saad Zaghloul in the period from 1930 -1932
Local and international Who's Who
- Published about Mukhtar three books , many catalogues, and special issues of magazines and booklets, in addition to the lectures and programs
Local recognition
- Exhibition prize in 1925 for ` Om Kolthoum` Statue
International recognition
- The Golden Medal of exhibition of the Grand Saray .