Curriculum Vitae
Nadia Al-Arabi Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nadia Al-Arabi
Birth date : 28/8/1962
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Decor
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor - Helwan University 1985
- Studies in City Center ( Carrytas Egypt) 1987
- Diploma from Association of Right in Life 1994
- General diploma from Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University 1995
- Private diploma from Faculty of Education - Ain Shams 2003
- MA from Faculty of Education - Ain Shams 2003
- PhD of Philosophy in Education - Faculty of Education - Ain Shams 2008
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Alumni Association of Fine Arts
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists
-Member of Cairo Atelier
- Painter of geometrical drawings in ` Abro Mac` company of projects 1985-1986
- Free painter in Khan Al-Khalili 1985-1995
- Interior designer in Nagy company of Glass and Decor 1986-1996
- The supervison on many exhibitions of talented related to Association of Right in Life 1992, 1995
- Board member of Association of very private art in Egypt
Places of interest
- Cairo , United States of America
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ` Touches and feelings` at Cairo Atelier 1993
- Exhibition ` Dream , fait and Fact` in Venziella embassy 1994
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Collective exhibitions
- staged series of exhibitions in Drawing field at the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine Artists 1992
- Challange exhibition in the American University 1993
- Invitation from Association of very private Art to attend festival of Private art in Belguim , and casts lectures in Egypt 1994
Publications and activities
- Now trainer and supervisor in workshops of Art Education in Association of Right in Life 1987
- Casts lectures and establishment workshops in City Center ,( Carrytas Misr) - Summer courses 1989
- Casts lectures about cure by art in America 1994
- Casts lectures and staged workshops in the Woman Association in Asuit 1998
- Work in project of development schools of mental education ( 14 school) 1999
- The participation in conference of very private art in Emirates State ( Al-Sharqa) 1999
- The participation in conference of very private art in America 2002
- published the first book in the American University with the American writer Liezly Labbady entitle ` No silence after today` 2002
-presence 1st workshop of private education , floabatre organization in co-operation with Georgia University , America 2003
- Casts lectures and staged workshops in Helwan 2003:2004
- Casts lectures for workers in Visual media in Aswan 2004
- Casts lecture in Helwan Youth Center 2004
- Casts lecture through Nass organization and held workshop at Al-Quds House - Maadi 2004
- Casts lectures and workshops in Jordan 2004
- presence two courses about leadership and administration Emideast Egypt 2004
- presence the 11th Annual confernece in Ain Shams University 2004
- The participation in Conference of very private art in America 2004
- Casts lectures and held workshops in the Local society Center in Shoubra Al-Khaima 2005:2006
Local recognition
- 1st prize from May exhibition of Youth in Advertisment 1984
- 1st prize from May exhibition of Youth in Advertisment 1985
- Encouragement prize from May exhibition of Youth in Advertisment 1988
- Certificate of Merit from the harmonious family , the Private olymbic in Egypt 2000
- Certificate of Merit in project of development schools of Mental education 2005
- Certificate of Merit from Association ` Right in Life` 2007