Curriculum Vitae
Abdel-Mohssen Abdou al-Toukhy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abdel-Mohssen al-Toukhy
Birth date : 1/10/1940
Place of birth : Qalubya
Activities : Sculpture

- Graduated in Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, 1966.
- Diploma in sculpture philosophy, 1975.
- Diploma in folk arts, 1986.
- The Fine Artists Association (sculpture), No. 148 /1117.
- Alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
- Cairo Atelier Group of Writers and Artists.
- Ahlia Art Society.
- Premier researcher of fine arts at the General Authority of Cultural Palaces.
- The Republican Cultural Authority since 1967.
- Board member of Ahlia Art Society.
- Fine artist.
Places of interest
- Cairo,
- Qalubya.
Solo shows
- Solo show at Ekhnaton art gallery, 1972.
- Solo show at Gilliana City in Czechoslovakia.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many group exhibitions in Egypt since 1964.
- The 21st General Art Exhibition, 1990.
- The 23rd National Art Exhibition, 1993.
- The Avant-garde Exhibition, Spring Exhibition and salons of art societies.
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Critics Association, 1997.
- The 27th, 28th National Art Exhibition, 2001,2003.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
International exhibitions
- Sport Biennale in Spain, 1973.
- The 2nd, 3rd Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic, 1994,1996.
- Founder of Luxor Studios and artistic tours in Siwa, New Valley, South Sinai, North - Sinai, Luxor and Rasheed.
Private collection
- Art lovers in Egypt and Czechoslovakia.
State collection
- Cairo Intentional Conference Center.
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
- Cairo Opera House.