Curriculum Vitae
Salwa Ahmed Mahmoud Roshdy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salwa Roshdy
Birth date : 1/9/1942
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Ceramics Department - Helwan University 1964.
- Studies in Ceramics and Porclaine in the Governmental Institute of Ceramics - Italy 1965 .
- High Studies diploma from the Governemental Institute of Arts , Florenca - Italy 1967.
- Guidance diploma - The High Institute of Social service - Cairo 1979.
- MA in Ceramics , Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University 1980 .
- PhD of Philosophy in Ceramics , Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University 1989 .
- Ceramics Specialist - Minsitry of Social Affairs 1965.
- Researcher student in the Governmental Institute in Florenca - Italy 1965 :1968 .
- The supervison on many MA and PhD .