Curriculum Vitae
Khaled Abdel Rady Noubi Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Khaled Abdel Rady Noubi
Birth date : 10/7/1960
Place of birth : Menia
Activities : Painting

- Free studies in Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department , Menia University from 1987:1991
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 5878, Painting
- Member of Writers and Artists association at Cairo Atelier
- Member of Asala association at Al-Ghury agency
- Member of association of Arts lovers , Menia
- Member of silver civilization association , Spain
- Spontaneous artist
Places of interest
- Menia, Bani Swief , Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Exhibitions at Menia Culture palace , Faculty of Arts, and Faculty of Fine Arts 87-88-91-94-96-99-2001
- Exhibition in Faculty of Arts , under auspices of Menia literary conference 1999
- At Cairo Atelier 1995-2000-2002-2003
- Ambulant exhibition under auspices of the General Authority of Culture Palaces 2001,2002, in Bani Swief, Asuit , and Mahala
- At Shomouaa gallery 2002
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in Menia under title ` In her sons eyes` 1986
- General exhibitions in Faculty of Fine Arts , Menia 1988-1991-1996
- Participated in the 1st Salon of Menia artists 1997
- 1st Exhibition of association of Arts lovers, Menia 1997
-4th Port Said National Biennale 1998
- Ambulant exhibitionm of Menia youth artists 98-1999, under auspices of the General authority of Culture palaces at Menia Culture Palace, Shebeen Al-Kom and Rod Al-Farag culture palace
- Exhibition ` Egyptian colors` in the Italian Cultural Institute 2000
-4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2000
-6th Annual Salon of Asala association at Al-Ghury Agency 2000
- Exhibition `Ramadan nights` at Shadecor gallery , Heliopolis 2006
International exhibitions
- Joint exhibition in Jent city , Belguim under auspices of Asala association , Al-Ghury agency 2002
- Make logos and decor of some companies of the general sector
- One of his works on the book cover of Amien Youssef Ghourab , one of the publications of the General authority of book , Reading for all festival
Publications and activities
- The participation in the Cultural activities in Menia governate, and the participation in the most Cultural activity in all Egypt governates
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from competition ( In her sons eyes) , Menia 1986,1987
- Won in competition ` October achievements` 1991
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad like: Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Germany, America, Switzerlands, Spain, Polland, Netherlands, England , France, Italy and South Africa
- At the Italian Embassy in Cairo 2003
State collection
- The Governmental organizations and associations , Menia governate