Curriculum Vitae
Youssef Khalil Mazhar
Personal Data
Fame Name : Youssef Mazhar
Birth date : 27/1/1933
Activities : Photography
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Mechnical Engineering - Cairo University 1955
- MA in Industry - Cairo University 1964
- MA in Business Administration - American University - Cairo 1971
- Ph.D in Industrial Economy - Berlin University - Germany 1973
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography 1524
- Member of Egypt`s Salon of Photography
- Member of the Egyptian Scientific Institute
- Member of Pioneers Association of Photography
- Member of Engineers Syndicate
- Chairman of the Industriala and Engineering Designs 1980:1992
- Ex-First deputy of Ministry of Industry
- Expert in the United Nations of Industry 1993
- Preparer and Director of Technology programme in the Television
- Member of the Egyptian Council of the Foreign Affairs
- Head of Photography Committee in Geizira Sporting Club
Places of interest
- Cairo , Giza
- England , Germany
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibition of the Photography Association
- Participated in many exhibitions of Cairo Salon of Photography
- 22nd National exhibition of Fine Arts 1991
- Exhibition of Association of Photograph Pioneers in the Italian Cultural Center 1992,1999
- 2nd Nile Salon of Photography 1995
- 27th Egypt`s Salon of Photography 1996
- Exhibition of Association of Photography Pioneers in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Zamalek 1999
- 3rd Nile Salon of Photography 2001
- Exhibition entitle ` Egyptian aestheticism` Association of Photography Pioneers in Ramatan Cultural Center in Taha Hussien Museum 2001
- Exhibition entitle `Childhood` Association of Photography Pioneers in Creation and criticism Center in Ahmed Shawky Museum 2002
- Ehibition entitle ` Our love Egypt` Association of Photography Pioneers in Al-Hanager 2002
- 4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
- Exhibition of Association of Photography Pioneers entitle `Nile and Environment` in Al-Tazaweq Palace - Sidi Gaber 2004
- Exhibition ` journey with Camera` of Association of Photography Pioneers in Egypt in Al-Ahram Organization 2004
- Exhibition entitle` aesthetics scrutiny` Association of Photography Pioneers in Egypt 2004
- Competition `aesthetics of the red color` of the Egyptian Association of Photography in the Russian Cultural Center 2004
- 5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
- Exhibition `The 1st meeting` of Photography in the Camera Club in Alexandria Atelier 2005
- Exhibition entitle `Spring aesthetics` in the Gallery of the Musician Library in the Egyptian Opera House - The Egyptian Association of Photography - April 2005
- Exhibition entitle ` Camera Tour` in Suzan Mubarak Library - The Egyptian Association of Photography - May 2005
- Exhibition `Lense talk` in Maadi Library - The Egyptian Association of Photography - July 2005
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- Exhibition `Everything` the Egyptian Association of Photography in the Russian Center of Science and Culture - July 2006
- Exhibition `Shadows and Colors` the Egyptian Association of Photography in `Kalema` Gallery in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - September 2006
- Exhibition` Ramadinat` Egypt`s Salon of Photography in the Gallery of the Musician Library in the Egyptian Opera House , October 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- Photography exhibition (Planets and flowers) in the Main exhibitions gallery - The Russian Center of Science and Culture - Cairo , April 2007
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine art fair) 2007
- Exhibition (Faces) at Arts gallery in the Musician library, Opera, The Egyptian association of Photography, March 2008
- Exhibition (Colored creations) at the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation - The Foreign diplomats - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
- Exhibition ( Photographic visions) at the Grand gallery of exhibitions in the Russian Center of Culture and Science - The Egyptian association of Photography, June 2008
International exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibition during study in the Western Germany
- Exhibition in the Italian Cultural Institute , Rome 1999,2004
- Exhibition entitle `Islamics` in occassion of pass` 50 years` on Islam entry South Korea 2006
- The German Electricity Industry Organization 1955,1975
- Berlin University - Germany 1971:1973
- Harford University - America 1997
- The Engineering designs in Africa
- The African Technology Center
- Commassaire of the Egyptian Exhibition of the features of the Egyptian Islamic sights in South Korea
Publications and activities
- Technology programme `Photography , Films, Lenses, Forming image` 30 min for each programme
- Technology programme ` Generation in Cinema , The Special effects, Animations)
Local recognition
- Medal of Science and Arts from Arab Republic of Egypt 1993
- Certificate of Merit from 2nd Nile Salon of Photography 1995
International recognition
- Knight medal from France 1995
Private collection
- At art lovers inside Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Minsitry of Culture