Curriculum Vitae
Said Ahmed Al-Ganzoury
Personal Data
Birth date : 14/1/1954
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Science 1975
- Member of Alexandria Atelier
- Founder member of Camera Club , Alexandria Atelier
- Member of the Egyptian association of Photography
- Head of League of the porfessional photographers , Alexandria
- Professional photographer
- Owner of Al-Nabaa gallery
Places of interest
- Alexandria
Solo shows
- In the German Cultural Center 1988
- In the Fine artists village , Agami 1988
- In Italy and some European countries 1989
- In Amman 1989
- At Cairo Atelier 1991
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Salon of the Egyptian association of Photography 1989
- 1st Alexandria Atelier Salon of Photography , Camera Club 1989
- Exhibition of Camera Club Salon 1990
-21st National exhibition of Fine Arts 1991
-1st Nile exhibition of Photography 1990
- Photo Egypt International exhibition, Cairo Conferences Center , Cairo 1999
International exhibitions
- In Turkey 1989
-50th and 51st Annual exhibition in Japan
- American express
Local recognition
- Competition prize of the Egyptian association of Photography 1989
-1st prize in 1st Nile exhibition 1990
Private collection
- At art lovers in Dubai , France,America, Germany,Sweden, Egypt, Switzerlands,Austria