Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Hussam Al-Dien Yousry
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Hussam
Birth date : 20/9/1974
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Photography department - Helwan University 1997
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists , Painting section 5478/1704
- Member of Syndicate of Cinematic professions , Painting section 4813
- Member of Syndicate of Applied Arts designers
- Worked in Multimedia Design , and Web Design
- Worked in Photography field
- Work as a Camera man since 1997:2006
- Photographer of many series , programs and films
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- At `Engy Aflatoun` gallery , Cairo Atelier , April 2006
Local exhibitions
-24th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1995
-8th and 9th Youth Salon 1996,1997
-25th National exhition of Fine Arts 1997
- 10th Youth Salon 1998
-12th Youth Salon 2000
-27th and 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001,2003
Publications and activities
- Participated in the International conference of Manual textile , that organized by UNESCO 1999 , Tunisia
- Participated in the International Library of Photography , Merryland , American United States 2004