Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Nour Al-Dien Hassan
Personal Data
Birth date : 9/11/1940
Activities : Photography

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting department - Alexandria University 1964
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Manager of Painting department , administration of museums and arts
- Head pf Painting departmemt , Fine Arts Sector and the National and Art museums
Local exhibitions
-1968 In the Czeh Cultural Center , Cairo
-1987 In the French Cultural Center , Cairo
-1991 22nd General exhibition
-1995 2nd Nile Photography exhibition
-1995 Exhibition of the freelances artists
International exhibitions
-1969 Paris Biennale of Youth - Grand Balliet - Paris
-1972 Exhibition `Brug` Czehokoslovakia
-1974 In Sweden
-1976 In the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris - France
-1986 In Syrian Ministry of Culture
-1990 In the Egyptian Cultural Center - Rome - Italy
-1993 Exhibition (The Old Egyptian monasteries) - The Egyptian Academy in Rome