Curriculum Vitae
Abdel Hakiem Mohamed M.Saleh
Personal Data
Birth date : 27/2/1973
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo , Sculpture department 1997
- Diploma of the High Institute of Critique , Arts Academy , Cairo 1999
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Asala Association
- Member of Journalists Syndicate
- Member of Alumni association of Fine Arts
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Worked in Prees directing field and design books and magazines covers
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1993,1994,1995,1996
- Exhibitions of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1995,1996
-39th Pioneers exhibition `Association of Fine Arts Lovers` 1999
-11th and 12th Youth Salon 1999,2000
-40th Pioneers exhibition (association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2000
-Alexandria Youth Salon 2000
Local recognition
- Prize of Sculptor Al-Sigieni 1997
- Certificate of Merit from association of Giza Writers and artists 1997
- Superior prize in Alexandria Salon 2000