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Curriculum Vitae
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Ghada Mohamed Mustafa Barakat
Personal Data
Birth date : 21/1/1971
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Batik

- BA in Graphic print- Faculty of Fine Arts - 1993.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- a lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts- Graphic print Department- Alexandria University.
Solo shows
- at Goethe Institute- 1994.
Local exhibitions
- Fine Arts Preparatory Class Exhbition- 1989.
- the Fine Arts Graduates Exhibition - 1993.
- the 17th Annual Salon of Thoughts and Arts Gallery- Goethe Institute- Alexandria- 1994.
- the Atelier Salon of Alexandria`s Artists- 1995- 1996.
- the 8th Youth Salon- 1996.
- the National Fine Arts Exhibition- 24/ 1995- 25/ 1997.
International exhibitions
- 8th International Graphic Triennale- Norway- 1996.
Local and international Who's Who
- the Youth Salon Encyclopedia- Vol 2- by Critic. Mohamed Hamza- Sector of Fine Arts- 2002.
Local recognition
- 3rd prize Graphic- at the 8th Youth Salon- 1996.
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