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Ehab Shaker Antoun Shaker
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ehab Shaker
Birth date : 15/8/1933
Date of death : 25/12/2019
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department 1957 .
- Start work in Journalism 1953 when he was a student in the faculty .
- Photographer and designer of Children plays .
- Caricaturest in Al-Gomharia , Roselyoussef and Sabah Al-Khier since 1960 .
- Painter in French Children magazines .
- Composer and Director of Animation films .
- Currently Art consultant of Sabah Al-Khier magazine .
Solo shows
- In Japan 1970 .
- In Austria 1982 .
- At `Akhenaton (2) Gallery - Arts Center , Zamalek 1988 - Cairo .
- At the Egyptian Academy in Rome - Italy 1992 .
- At Khan Al-Maghraby gallery 1997 - Cairo .
- At the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris 1998 .
- At Khan Al-Maghraby , February 2000 .
- Exhibition ` Fantazia`at Khan Al-Maghraby , March 2002 .
- At Sefr Khan Gallery - Zamalek 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition Atelier of 49 artists - Heliopolis 1980 - Cairo .
- Spring exhibition at Cairo Atelier 1981 .
- Exhibition of the Single tableau at Cairo Atelier 1986 - Cairo .
- Exhibition `40 artist) from Heliopolis at the French Cultural Center 1987,1988 - Cairo.
- Exhibition of Painters of the Arab Children in Institute of the Arab World 2003 .
- 1st Exhibition of Press illustrations , Palace of Arts , March 2006 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- Festival of Fine Creation of Child , Palace of Arts , January 2006 .
- At Gougan Gallery in Heliopolis 2006.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ` General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007`
- Caricature exhibition in Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums in Alexandria 2008
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- Exhibition (New horizons) at Gougan gallery, Zamalek , November 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of MIRO competition - Spain 1971 -1975 .
- At the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris 1975 - France .
- Exhibition ` Art Naif` - Paris 1987 - France .
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Cultural Week - United Arab Emirates 2000 .
- Collective exhibitions in Amman , Jordan .
- IBBY exhibition in Switzerlands 2002 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art in Masqat - The Cultural Capital of Arab World 2006 .
- Exhibition of Fine arts parallel to Book exhibition , May 2009 .
- Commassire of Children Book exhibition in Brataslava 1989 .
- Member of Jury Committee of Short films in Ismalia 1991 .
- Member of the International Jury Committee - Anas Festival in France 1993 .
- Member of Jury Committee of long films - Festival of Children Cinema 2004 .
- Member of Jury Committee of Films of Children Cinema - Asafahan 2004 .
Publications and activities
- Director and Composer of the following films: .
- Bottle film 1968 .
- Film ` One - Two - Three` - French production 1974 .
- Animal songs 1987- French production .
- Dance of Love - Production of the National Center of Cinema 1995
- Animation Film 1996 .
- Workshop of Painters of Children Book - UNESCO - Beirut 2004 .
- Participated in drawings in Sindbad , Mickey Mouse , Sameer and Dar Al-Helal magazine 1956 -1957 .
- Writtings: .
- Bousy Cat - Dar Al-Maarief 1963 .
- Poetry by French Language - Flouros House - Paris - France 1975 .
- Drawing Characaters in Maged magazine - Union Organization - Abu Dhabi 1979 .
- Drawing Characaters in Small Arab magazine - Kuwait 1985 -1990 .
- Participated in establishment Alaa Al-Dien magazine - Al-Ahram Organization 1994 .
- Participated by drawings in `Tata` magazine - The National Center of Child Culture 2004 .
- King Bear - Nahdiet Misr House 2005 .
Local recognition
- Prize of best Animation film in the National Cinema Festival - Egypt 1996 .
- 2nd prize of Mrs. Suzan Mubarak - International prize of IBBY 2001 - 2002 .
- Prize of best poster ` Poster design - Kit Kat Film of Director/ Dawoud Abdel Said`
- 1st Superior prize of Mrs. Suzan Mubarak 2001 .
- Honored from State for his press illustration from 1953 -2004 .
- 2ndPrize of Mrs. Suzan Mubarak for book ` King Bear` 2005 .
International recognition
- prizes about drawings of book covers in Frankfurt exhibition - Germany .
- Quality prize from the French National Center for his film ` One - Two - Three` - French production and represented France in 4 International festivals ` Anas - Louca - Milborn , Medras` 1974 .
- Prizes about drawings of Children books in International Book Fair .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
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