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Hazem Abdel Mohsen Sanger
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hazem Sanger
Birth date : 21/3/1968
Place of birth : Damietta
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Specify Education, Department of Art Education, Port Said 1993
- Lecturer in Faculty of Specify Education, Damietta
- Instructor in King Fahd University of mineral and petroleum
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Libya
- Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Exhibitions in Al-Zahraa Sporting Club under supervison of Sports and Youth .
- At the Green gallery , Ras Al-Bar under supervison of Culture palaces authority .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Faculty of Specify Education, Port Said
- Exhibition of Fine Arts competition on the level of republic , Cairo Staduim .
International exhibitions
- Competition of the Global peace - UNESCO
- 100 years exhibition in King Fahd University of mineral and petroleum - Saudi Arabia
- Exhibition of the International terrorism conference - Saudi Arabia
- Environment exhibition on the level of countries of the Gulf co-operation council
- Exhibition of Asafahan capital of the Islamic culture
- Exhibition of Ministry of Interior , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Exhibition of the Global committee of the Islamic Youth
- The supervison on the External pavilion of 100 years exhibition in King Fahd University of mineral and petroleum
Publications and activities
- Drawing and writting on one coin control in economy of state of art
Local recognition
- Prizes from Ministry of Sports and Youth , exhibitions of Al-Zahraqa Sporting Club
- Prizes from the General Authority of Culture palaces , exhibition at the Green hall , Ras Al-Bar
International recognition
- Certificates of Merit, Thanks letters, and Certificates of Participation
State collection
- Faculty of Specify of Education - Damietta
- Damietta Culture Palace
- Sports and Youth
- Authoirty of Culture palaces
- Faculty of Specify Education, Port Said
- King Fahd University of mineral and petroleum - Saudi Arabia
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