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Ahmed Mohamed Riyad
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Riyad
Birth date : 3/8/1982
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Caricature
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- BA of Faculty of Commerce 2004
- Free studies in Graphic and Painting Department 2006 -2007
- Caricaturist in some Egyptian magazines and newspapers like: Al-Nahar - Sound of University - Dream of Arab - The Arab Situation
-Drew group of Children books and some Educational Language books
Local exhibitions
- 1st Competition of Naguib Mahfouz 2007
Publications and activities
- المساهمة فى موسوعة إماراتيا الحرة كرسام للرسومات التوضيحية .
- المساهمة فى رسم الرسومات التوضيحية لشركة اينوفاتيفتى الأمريكية للتدريب الشخصى .
Local recognition
- Prize of the distinguished work in 1st Competition of Naguib Mahfouz 2007
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