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Nasr Eddin Mohamed Taher
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nasr Eddin Taher
Birth date : //1935
Place of birth : Giza
Date of death : /9/2007
Activities : Painting

- BA in Fine Arts- graphic- Cairo University- 1961.
- worked for most of the Egyptian magazines and papersin the 1950s.
- participated in issuing most of the papers and magazines in the Gulf- since 1960s.
- lecturer at the Society Service Center- Kuwait Univesity- 1985- 1987.
Solo shows
- participated in a solo exhibtiion at Dr\ Saad Al-Shater Gallery- Naserya- Alexandria- sponsored by Alexandria Society for perotecting water and environment- 2002.
- (Ando Mando)- Opera House- 2003.
Local exhibitions
- The Nubian products exhibition- Fine Artists Syndicate- Cairo- 1991.
- Kuwaitian Days- Alexandria Creation Center- 2002.
- 1st Press drawings exhibition- Art Palace- OPera- 2004 (Honorees)
- `Features and Views` the Fine Artists Gallery- 2007.
International exhibitions
- participated in the Fine Arts Society Exhibitions- Kuwait- 1983.
- participated in transfereing the Pharaonic writings of Abu-Simbel temples- with Prof. Ahmed Othman dean of the faculty of Arts Alexandria University.
- participated in designing and supervising the memorial statue for UAE- 1989.
International recognition
- the Golden Feather- Kuwait University- 1983.
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