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Ibrahim Abdel-Moghny Ibrahim Afife
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ibrahim Abdel-Moghny
Birth date : 1/10/1951
Place of birth : Sharqia
Date of death : 27/8/2024
Activities : Painting
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- PhD in Art Education- Painting- 1993.
- of the Art Education Alumni Society.
- of the drawing and handworks teachers society.
- of the Egytpian Folklore Society.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- of the Educational Jobs Society.
- of the Egyptian Society for Education by Art- INSIA
Solo shows
- has held many solo exhibitions since 1995:2005. .
Local exhibitions
- has been participating in most of the general, group and solo exhibitions in Egypt since his graduation till now.
- participated in competitions organized by The Supreme Council of Youth and Sport.
International exhibitions
- participated in The Egyptian Artists Exhibition in Mexico- 1995
Local recognition
- won many awards and certificates of merit. .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- General Department for Wiry and Wirless Means of Transportaion.
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