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Curriculum Vitae
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Dalia Ahmed Hani Abdel Aziz Hassan
Personal Data
Birth date : 30/6/1982
Activities : Painting
Email : d_aziz@aucegypt.eda ,

- BA of Arts - The American University - Cairo
- Worked in Al-Falaky exhibition in the American University as a trained to organize Arts exhibitions
- Currently assistant in Visual Arts Department in the American University - Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ` Art` - Creation Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum 2002
- Exhibition in Town House Gallery - Geizira Arts Center 2005
- Participated in exhibitions in the American University from 2004:2006
- Exhibition `Artist Book` - Geizira Arts Center 2006
International exhibitions
- 2nd Biennale of Exhibition `Artist Book` - Alexandria Library 2006
Publications and activities
- Participated in workshop of Print and wax
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