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Iman Ali HAfez Abdel Maqasoud
Personal Data
Fame Name : Iman Hafez
Birth date : 22/10/1968
Activities : Drawing

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor Department - Menia University 1991
- Diploma in Painting - Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University
- Graphic designer in Fine Arts Sector
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition of Students in the Faculty of Fine Arts 1990
-Heliorama Salon in the French Cultural Center 1997
-9th Youth Salon , 12th 2000
-1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997, 2nd 1998, 3rd 1999, 4th 2000
-She participated in exhibitions of the Egyptian Shooting Club in association with Fine Arts Sector
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt, Germany, Switzerland, Kuwait , Palestine
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