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Margrieet Nakhla
Personal Data
Birth date : 12/10/1908
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 30/9/1977
Activities : Painting

- Studied Arts in France ( Study of Oil painting) .
- The Educational Diploma 1939 .
- Joined Louvre School 1951 to study Mural Drawing .
- Teaher in Institute of Fine Arts - Girls .
Places of interest
- Alexandria , Paris , Cairo , Port Said .
Solo shows
- Staged her first solo exhibition in Anbieer French city 1936.
- In the Egyptian Embassy 1984 - Paris.
- Brutham gallery 1954.
- In Cairo - Alexandria - Port Said.
- comprehensive exhibition for her works 1965.
Local exhibitions
- The Industrial Agriculture exhibition 1931 .
- Exhibitions of Association of Arts Lovers in Alexandria 1932 .
- Exhibitions of Autumn Salon - female painters Salon
- Exhibition of Cairo International Fair 1958
- Association of Fine Arts Lovers staged exhibition for her works 1978
- Creations of the Egyptian Woman 1999
- Exhibition of Pioneers of Alexandrian Art -Shadecor gallery , Heliopolis 2007
International exhibitions
- Paris International exhibition 1937 .
- Exhibition `Egypt - France` - Museum of Decoration Arts - Paris 1949
- Doufile International exhibition - France 1960 .
- 3 competitions of students of the High National School of Fine Arts 36/37/1939 - France .
- Scholarship for a year 1965 .
- Church ` Virgin Mariam` in Zamalek charged her to draw 12 religious tableau depict women in instructions of Jesus
- Church charged her to draw two additional tableaus depict ` The Last Dinner` and Birth of Jesus`
Local recognition
- Silver medal from the Industrial Agriculture exhibition 1931 .
- Golden medal from Association of Fine Arts Lovers (Alexandria) 1932 .
- 1st prize from 1st Cairo International Fair 1958 .
- 1st Drawing prize from Exhibition of Cairo Salon 1959 .
International recognition
- 1st prize from 3 competitions of students of the National School 1936 -1938 .
- Medal from Paris International exhibition 1937 .
- Superior Certificate for tableau in Doufiel International exhibition - Paris .
Private collection
- At art lovers inside and abroad .
State collection
- Tableaus in the French and Egyptian Museums .
- Egypt Embassy in France .
- Some French Governmental Organization .
-She practices expressionistic Art, and records the sudden effects which result from both quick and careful looks, wittiness, and analysing factors. This affects our souls after engraving this shapes on it, and also affects the ability of incarnating these shapes with colors and lines of quick execution. Her most famous painting is (Al Borsa) in Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
-She is considered one of the most important artists of the 2nd generation following the generation of pioneers of Egyptian Modern Art. She is a master of generations who glowed among Egyptian artists . Her style describes reality in an impressionistic manner with an instinctive taste which achieves sensation by power of expression. She has an obvious artistic character, and she is famous for her superior ability in dealing with dynamic topics like horce race and market since the start of her artistic career. she gives each character a special expression in movement and color; she cares for the elements of her characters in a way that makes them expressionistic, yet near to Caricature. She tends to flabellate and radiate formations which achieves a strong connection.
Prof,/ Sobhy al Sharony
Margret Nakhla paintings express human gatherings precisely and sometimes sarcastically. For example, her paintings about stock market depecite people greediness for money; bearing in mind that these paintings were drawn from reality by an aware artist. She has all means of formulation and classy artistic description, along with enlightened thinking and classy human awarness.
Makram Hanin
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