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Dina Salah Al-Gharieb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Dina Al-Gharieb
Birth date : 19/3/1965
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Hotels and Tourism - Department of Tourist Guidance 1986
- Fine artist
Solo shows
- In Town House gallery - Cairo 2000
- In `Al-Hussien Fawzy` gallery - Geizira Arts Center , February 2007
Local exhibitions
- In `Noun` gallery - Cairo 1991
- Exhibition with artist/ Mohamed Abdel Moniem - Kareem Francasis gallery - Cairo 1997
- Exhibition entitle ` Meeting` Cairo Atelier 1997
- Exhibition entitle ` Dimensions` Cairo Atelier 1998
- Exhibition `Four female artists` Hoda Lotfy , Lara Baliedi, and Sabah Naieem - Town House gallery - Cairo 1999
- Exhibition (18 artists from 90s generation) Geizira Arts Center 1999
- Exhibition ( Creations of the Contemporary Woman) 100 female artists - Geizira Arts Center 2000
- Exhibition ( Alternative facts) Zone festival - Geothe Institute - Cairo 2001
- Dual exhibition with artist/ Maher Ali 2002
-Exhibition of the Egyptian female artist and Century of Creation ( Palace of Arts) Cairo 2002
- Salon of Cairo Atelier 2003
-28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 - Cairo
- Exhibition in the Citadel resturant - Al-Azhar Park 2006
International exhibitions
- In Amstardam - Netherlands 2000
- Exhibition of Saraivo winter - Saraivo 2001
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