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Magdy al Sayed Mohamed Mostafa
Personal Data
Birth date : 18/6/1982
Activities : Media
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BA of Faculty of art education - Helwan University
He works in the field of Computer Graphic and montage since 2002.
Local exhibitions
Exhibition of superior students - faculty of art education in Zamalek 2000.
- Exhibition of students in Horus Gallery in the faculty of art education 2001.
- 1st and 2nd youth exhibition ( The masses culture) in Tanta culture palace.
- 14th Youth Salon 2002, 15th 2003.
- 5th Salon of Small artistic works 2003.
-Competition of Rateb Sedeq of painting and photography 2003.
- Exhibition of the distinguishing designers - faculty of art education 2003
- Exhibitions of the masses Culture - Tanta Culture Palace 2000-2005.
- Exhibitions of workshop of Media art - faculty of art education 2000-2005.
- Exhibition of The Shape Light , the second session in Palace of arts October 2005.
- 1st Festival of Video Art in the Center of contemporary picture - December 2005.
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
Publications and activities
workshop with the artist Ayman al Semary and the artist George fekry - Tanta Culture Palace 1999.
- The experimental workshop of Media Arts - Faculty of art education - with its six sessions.
-The parallel workshop to the 15th Youth Salon 2003.
- Workshop of child art - Arts compound in Zamalek 2003.
- 1st workshop of voice accompaniment to the workshop of Media arts - faculty of art education 2004.
- International parallel workshop to the 2nd Biennale of Book imagination - Alexandria Library 2005.
Local recognition
The first prize (drawing) in competition of the masses culture 2001.
- The second prize (painting) in the masses Culture competition 2002.
Private collection
At art lovers in Egypt and Oman Sultanate.
State collection
Ministery of teaching and education
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