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Mariam Mohamed M.Hassan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mariam Hassan
Birth date : 25/10/1980
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts .
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Applied Arts - 6 October University .
- Graphic designer .
Solo shows
- Exhibition in `Kamal Khalifa` Gallery - Geizira Center of Arts - Spetember 2006 .
- Exhibition `Features` in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2006 .
- In ` Al-Hussien Fawzy` Gallery - Geizira Arts Center , December 2007 .
Local exhibitions
- 14th Youth Salon 2002 .
- Collective exhibition in the Faculty of Applied Arts - University of 6 October 2000,2001 .
- Collective exhibition in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University 2001-2002
- Exhibition `Camera talks` The Russian Cultural Center 2003
- 17th Youth Salon 2005 .
- Exhibition of the first meeting of Photography (Meeting) Camera Club - Alexandria Atelier 2005 .
- Exhibition `Nature prints` in the Russian Cultural Center 2005 .
- Exhibition `Time` - Musician Library - The Egyptian Opera House 2005 .
- Exhibition `Idea` in Al-Hanager Center of Arts 2005 .
- Exhibition `repercussions` 2005 .
- The 1st Solo exhibition ( Exhibition of the artists who staged their first Solo exhibition in the period from 1st of July 2004 till 30th June 2006) Geizira Center of Arts 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( 18th Youth Salon 2007) .
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007 .
- Exhibition `Point of view` 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008) .
International exhibitions
- Al Thani Comapetition of Photography - Qatar 2005 .
- Photography exhibition in Nibal Kingdom 2007 .
- Exhibition of the 3rd workshop in Photography at galleries of Alexandria Atelier , April 2008 .
- Grant of Al-Mawred Cultural Organziation - Belguim .
- Member of Egypt`s Salon of Photography .
Publications and activities
- Lecturer on workshops of Opera House .
- Cinematic photographer and director of films of graduation projects 2002:2004 .
- Directed and designed many animation films 2003 .
Local recognition
- 2nd position in Photography `Nature` - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2006 .
- 1st position in Photography ( Portrait) - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2007 .
- 2nd prize in Photography competition - International Youth Salon - Alexandria 2007.
- Prize of Photography competition in 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007) .
- 4th prize in Photography competition in Sakiet Al-Sawy 2008 .
International recognition
- Production prize of the Arab Youth artists in Belguim 2004 .
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