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Gihan Ali Soliman Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Gihan Soliman
Birth date : 9/1/1966
Place of birth : Kuwait
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1988 .
- MA in Fine Arts entitle` Color as a expressionism value in the Contemporary painting) 1994 .
- PhD in ( Nature in the Contemporary painting) 2000 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Assistant professor in Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University .
Places of interest
- Kuwait .
- Alexandria .
Solo shows
- In the Spainsh Cultural Center - Cairo 1989 .
- At Al-Shataby Culture Palace - Alexandria 1989 .
- At Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber - Alexandria 1995 .
- At Akhenaton gallery in Arts Center - Zamalek - Cairo 2001 .
- At gallery of Fine Arts in Mahmoud Saeed Museum 2004 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Fine Arts , The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth , Youth System , Services and Projects Sector 1986 .
- The Annual exhibition of Youth , The German Cultural Institute (Geothe) Alexandria , Art and Thought Gallery 1987 .
- Exhibition of Graduation projects of Students of Fine Arts Faculty , Painting Department , Alexandria Atelier 1988 .
- The Annual exhibition of Youth of the German Cultural Institue (Geothe) Alexandria 1989 .
- sights from the Contemporary Alexandrian art , Autumn 1989, Al-Shataby Culture Palace , Alexandria 1989 .
- Alexandrian visions at Nile gallery ( Currently palace of Arts) - Cairo 1989 .
- 1st and 2nd Youth Salon 1989,1990 at Nile gallery ( currently palace of arts) - Cairo .
- Atelier Salon , Association of Writers and Artists , Alexandria 1990 .
- Salon of Artists of Alexandria (Autumn 90) - Al-Shataby Culture Palace , Alexandria 1990 .
- 21st General exhibition of Fine Arts at Nile gallery ( Palace of Arts now) - Cairo 1990.
- The Annual Salon of Alexandria Atelier 1992 .
- 5th Youth Salon in Arts Center , Zamalek 1993 .
- Atelier Salon , Association of Writers and Artists , Alexandria 1994 .
- Atelier Salon of Artists of Alexandria - Association of Writers and Artists 1995,1996 .
- Exhibition ` Creations of the Contemporary Woman in the Visual Arts` Geizira Arts Center , Zamalek 1996 .
- 25th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1997 .
- 26th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1999 .
- Salon 22 ` New man` - Art and Thought gallery - Geothe Institute - Alexandria 2001
- Exhibition ` Ramadan nights` The German Egyptian Cultural Center - Ard Al-Golf , Cairo 2001.
- 6th Nagy Annual Salon of Youth , Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace ,Alexandria 2001.
- Autumn Salon , Al-Tazawq Palace , Sidi Gaber , Alexandria 2001.
- Salon of Alexandria Atelier , Association of Writers and Artists 2002.
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Arab Woman at Palace of Arts - Zamalek 2002.
- Panorama of the Egyptian Art in the 20th Century , 100 year - 100 artist - 100 work - Alexandria 2003 .
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003 .
- Exhibition of Artists Forum at Alexandria Atelier , May 2004 .
- Exhibition of Artists Forum at exhibitions gallery in Alexandria Creation Center , October 2004 .
- Exhibition (Alexandria is space of memories) in Alexandria Library 2004 .
- 1st Drawing Salon (Black - White) - Geizira Arts Center 2004 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 .
- Exhibition (Today Stars) at Horizon one gallery in Museum of Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil , November 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007 .
International exhibitions
- In the Egyptian Academy - Rome 1990 .
- Kenia exhibition -1994 .
- UNESCO exhibition - Woman - Paris 1994 .
- 5th Cairo International Biennale 1994 .
- 20th Alexandria Biennale 1999 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Fine Art, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Riyhad 2000 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Arab woman , Abu Dhabi 2002 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art , Yemen 2002 .
- 1st Biennale of Alexandria Library of artist book 2004 .
- Exhibition of Stars of the Egyptian Youth Salon - Rome , Italy 2005 .
- 2nd International Biennale of Book Fancy - Alexandria Library 2005 .
- Biennale of the National Arts ( Sun Road) 2006 .
- Commassair of exhibition of the Egyptian Fine Art in Kuwait 2003 .
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize in Painting - 1st Youth Salon at Nile gallery ( Palace of Arts now) 1989 .
- 1st prize in painting - 2nd Youth Salon at Nile gallery ( Palace of Arts now) 1990.
- 2nd prize in painting - 5th Youth Salon ( Palace of Arts now) 1993 .
- Prize of 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002 .
- Certificate of Merit of Member of Jury Committee in 15th Youth Salon 2003 .
International recognition
- Honory prize in 5th Cairo International Biennale 1994 .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- The National Council of Arts and Culture , Kuwait .
- Alexandria Library .
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