Curriculum Vitae
Omar Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Kamel
Personal Data
Birth date : 1/10/1943
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 11/11/2024
Activities : Ceremics
Email :

- BA in Ceramics- Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan Univesity- 1968.
- MA in Ceramics- Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan Univesity- 1974.
- PhD in Ceramics- Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan Univesity- 1981.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- of the Applied Arts designers.
- of the Applied Arts Alumni.
- of the Fine Art Lovers Society.
- reader at the Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University-1968.
- Assistant teacher- ceramics Department- 1075.
- Teacher- Ceramics Department- 1976.
- Assisitant Professor- Ceramics Department- 1983.
- Head of the Ceramics Department- 1986.
- Professor at the Ceramics Department- 1989.
- Head of the Ceramics Department- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University.
Places of interest
- Old Cairo- Shoubra- Al-Haram.
- KSA.
Solo shows
- at Ekhnatoun Gallery- 1973.
- in Collins- Germany- 1979.
- at the Faculty of Applied Arts- 1983- 1989.
- at Mansoura Cultural Palace- 1985.
- at Cairo Atelier- 1985.
- at the Faculty of Applied Arts- 1994.
- at Cairo Atelier- 1995.
Local exhibitions
- 14th General Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Arabic Creation Ferstival.
- Faculty of Fine Arts Festival- Menia- 1984.
- Faculty of Applied Arts Festival- Al-Wady el-Gedid- 1984.
- exhibition on Sinai Liberation Day- 1984.
- 15th General Exhibition- 1985.
- Modern Applied Art Exhibition- North Sinai- 1985.
- 18th General Exhibition- 1988.
- 1st and 2nd Applied Arts Exhibition- 1992- 1993.
- Window over the Egyptian Modern Ceramics- 1994.
International exhibitions
- 1st Cairo International Ceramics triennale- 1992.
- the African Summit Conference Exhibition- 1993.
- 3rd Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 1996.
- 4th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 1998.
- 5th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 2000.
- 6th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 2002.
- scholarship to West Germany for collecting a PhD Subject.
- was assigned to establish ceramics factory for the International Bank under supervision of the International Cooperation- UNESCO.
- produced a maquette for King Abdel-Aziz University and beatified some places in KSA. he participated in Ceramic constructing works such as the Fence of the Presidential Palace.
- Fences and Gates of the Fairs Land- Naser City.
Publications and activities
- many researches on art and applied art (ceramics- desert and Egyptian materials).
- participated in many conferences in Egypt and abroad.
- has many researches such as (Tebbin Child- printing with silk screen on Ceramics Anicient Egyptian Ceramics- Ceramics of Bani Swaif Mud- Aesthitics of Raco Ceramics
- wrote a book about ceramics for faculty of Specifice Education.
- gave lectures on ceramics and Islamic Arts.
Local recognition
- 1st prize in the Puioneers Exhibition- 1970.
- 2nd prize in Cairo Salon- 1970.
- 2nd prize in the Pioneers Exhibition- 1971.
- Silver Medal from the 7th Ceramics Exhibition for the Fine Art Lovers Society- 1972.
- 2nd prize in ceramics- 14th General Exhibition- General Cration Festival.
- 1st prize at the Annual Fine Arts Exhibition- 1978.
- 2nd prize- 12th Genral Exhibition- 1982.
- Montay prize- Mural painting Exhibition- 1982.
International recognition
- prize from the 4th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 1998.
- Jury committee prize- 6th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale- 2002.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
- the Presidential Building in Egypt.