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Reem Wagdi Mustafa Kamel
Personal Data
Fame Name : Reem Wagdi
Birth date : 17/9/1969
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : reemkhalel@yahoo.com

- BA in Graphic- Facuty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University- 1992 .
- Member of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- Member of the Artists and Writers Society of Alexandria Atelier.
- A lecturer at the Graphic design Department- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria University.
Places of interest
- Alexandria.
Solo shows
- Exhibition at Khan Al-Maghrabi - 1998.
Local exhibitions
- the Atelier`s Youth Salon- 1995- 1996.
- Exhibition the Autumn Exhibition 1996- 1998.
- Exhibition the National Fine Art Exhibition- 25/ 1997- 26/ 1999.
- the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Youth Salon- 1996/ 97/ 98/ 99/ 2000.
- Exhibition the Monday Gathering Exhibition- Fine Artists Syndicate- 1997.
- 3rd and 4th Nagy Youth Salon - 1998/ 99.
- the Graphic Ladies Exhibition - 1998.
- a Group Exhbition at Khan Al-Maghrabi- Cairo - 1998.
- the 39th Pioneers Exhibition -the Fine Art Lovers Society -1999.
International exhibitions
- Japan Small Works Triennale- Tokyo- 1997- 1998 .
- Japan Trienale - Kanagoa - 1998.
- 20th Alexandria International Biennale - 1999.
Local recognition
- the Fine Arts Lovers Society`s Prize - 1999.
- a certificate of merit in Nagy Youht Salon- Anfoushi Cultural Palace 1999 .
- a Medal from the National Exhibition ( 25 ) 1997 .
International recognition
- Alexandria Biennale`s Prize.
State collection
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Ministry of Culture.
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