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Allam Mahmoud Allam Mohamed Aagiza
Personal Data
Fame Name : Allam Mahmoud Aagiza
Birth date : 11/11/1971
Place of birth : Al-Qalioubia
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education 1994 - Dokki .
- MA in Art Education - Department of Metal works - Cairo University 2002 .
- PhD in Philosophy of Specify Education - Art Education - Metal works Section 2006 .
- Lecturer in Department of Metal works - Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University .
- Assistant Instructor in Department of Metal works - Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki - Cairo University .
- Professor in Faculty of Specify Education - Helwan University .
Solo shows
- Inside Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki 1998 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1993,1997 ` Decoration Sculpture`
- 9th Youth Salon ` Metal Sculpture` 1997 .
- Exhibition of Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1997-1998 .
- Collective exhibition of Teaching Staff of Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University - Mubarak General Library 1999 -2000 .
- 1st Festival of Jewelry - Gezira Arts Center , January 2002 .
- 15th Youth Salon 2003 .
- 2nd Festival of Jewelry - Gezira Arts Center , January 2006 .
- Many Collective exhibitions of teaching staff ` Taief gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al- Sawy - Mubarak General Library) .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007 ) .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 2 , prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Local recognition
- Prize of Ceramics Sculpture from Prof/ Aida Abdel Kareem ( 1993 -1994) .
- Prize in Sculpture from Association of Fine Arts Lovers ( 1997 - 1998 )
- Prize of Artist/ Aiada Abdel Kareem in Sculpture ( 1996 -1999 )
Private collection
- To group of Artists friends .
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