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Salah Askar Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salah Askar
Birth date : 17/6/1939
Place of birth : Asuit
Activities : Painting

- Diploma from Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1960
- Diploma from the High Institute of Art Education 1961
- Private diploma from Faculty of Education , Ain Shams University 1963
- PhD 1973
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Alumni association of Fine Arts
- Member of GADA association of Fine Arts , Italy
- Member of Teaching Staff , Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo
- Expert and Professor in Qatar and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia universities
- Consultant of the International Bank in United States of America
Places of interest
- Asuit and Cairo .
Solo shows
- At `Strozz` palace , Italy
- In Italy 1971,1972
- At Akhenaton gallery 1987
- At Cairo Atelier 1990
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Solo and Collective exhibitions in Egypt , like: The General exhibition of Fine Arts , Ministry of Culture 1969,1970,1986
- Participated in exhibition of Cairo Salon of Association of Arts Lovers 1961
- Participated in exhibition of professors of Faculty of Fine Arts , Ministry of Culture 1965
- Participated in exhibition of the Egyptian artists in Italy , The Egyptian embassy
- Participated in exhibition of the Italian Cultural Institute
- Participated in exhibitions of Art and Culture feast in Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Participated in exhibition of artist `Single piece` at Al-Salam gallery 1979, Spring exhibition 1980,1987 at Asuit Culture Palace
- Pioneers exhibition 1961
- At Nasser museum in Port Said
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child , Arts Palace , January 2006
International exhibitions
- Participated in Festival of Youth artists in Sofia 1969
- Participated in the National competition Vallombrosa , Italy
- Participated in Orpa Art gallery , Florenca 1972
- Participated in exhibition of Mircato gallery , Italy
- Scholarship to Italy to study in Florence Academy.
- Execute mural drawings in Luxor station 1962
- Execute tableaus in the Military museum , Cairo 1969
Execute mural tableau at the Grand gallery in Faculty of Education , University of King Soud in Riyadh 1984
Publications and activities
- Published research entitle ` Effect of Technology on the Modern painting) discussed in the Scientific Conference , Menia University 1986 .
Local recognition
- Prize of association of Fine Arts Lovers (Cairo Salon) 1961 .
- Prize from competition ` From inspiration of the Arab history` - Cairo 1962 .
-Acquistion prize - The General exhibition 1970 .
International recognition
- Prize from Festival of the Youth artists , Sofia 1969 .
- Prize of the National competition , Italy 1972 .
- Prize of the National competition , Londa 1973 .
- Prize of Painting competition , Italy 1973 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Rome, Yougoslavia, New York, New Gersy, Paris
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art , Cairo .
- Museums of Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo, and Alexandria .
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